Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Imroving Air Quality at Your Office

We all know about an importance of air duct clearing AT our Home. We are familiar with benefits of clean vents, how beneficial it is for our health.
Not everyone however realizes that cleaning air ducts at an office is equally important, for the same health reasons.

Many people spend a lot of hours in the office, actually in many cases, even more time than at home!
Lucky are those employers whose boss knows how important it is, and air duct cleaning in the office is maintained once a year at least.
If we are not so lucky with our boss, we should definitely talk to him and convince him, explain to him how more comfortable and healthy it could be at the office.
It is the best option to set up an appointment with company for a free estimate, in order to get the best price for it.
It is important that before scheduling an appointment, we should ask if the company works also on Weekends, as this may be the best choice for busy offices.
Many companies do, at no additional cost.
Benefits from air duct cleaning:
1. Savings. The US Environmental Protection Agency tells us that removing even four-tenths of an inch of dust from cooling system coils will reduce energy usage by up to twenty one percent. This may save you money on your boss utility bill.
2. System durability. Estimate are that nine out of ten central heating and air conditioning systems fail or breakdown because a proper maintenance routine was not performed. Replacement parts and labor for heating or cooling system can be very expensive and total replacement costs thousands.
3. Your home's air quality. Many people consider air duct cleaning essential to maintaining healthy indoor air. Dust, allergens (pollen, pet dander) and toxins (mold, mildew, rodent droppings) are commonly found in air ducts. If air vents are not cleaned regularly these particles can be released into your house. Even if family members do not have allergies many of these particles have the potential to cause severe illness.
4. Allergies. If family members have allergies, air duct cleaning is often required to provide a healthy environment for allergy sufferers. Air vent cleaning can significantly reduce the amount of allergens in a home.
5. Remove odors. A musty odor in your home can mean that dust, mold or mildew may be present in the air ducts that no amount of air fresheners or candles will eliminate. Air duct cleaning will eliminate the smell almost completely.

For more infomration's contact Los Angeles Air Duct Cleaning