Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Carpet Cleaning Can Relieve Allergies

People who suffer from allergies have many things to worry about in their environment. When they step out of the house they are typically inundated with many allergens that will vary with the season. This can lead to all sorts of miserable side effects such as coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath, and other such symptoms that can make day-to-day existence quite miserable. This is why it is very important that at a minimum an allergy sufferer is able to get some relief and comfort when they are at home.
Unfortunately, however, the home is not immune to the allergens that are out there in the environment. This is because homes are not perfectly insulated from these allergens. In addition, often when people and pets come in and out of the home, they often bring a great deal of allergens with them. Once in the home, these allergens will likely stay there and worsen the allergy sufferers symptoms.

Therefore, if you are suffering from allergies and you want to get better, you can't just take medication to relieve the suffering, you have to do something else. It is absolutely paramount that you clean your carpets on a regular basis. In this report, we will discuss household allergens, places they hide, why they hide in carpet, why vacuuming is rather ineffective for removing them and why it is important to use more comprehensive cleaning to remove these allergens and experience relief from symptoms. Are you ready? Let's get started.

First of all, we will discuss how a house's ventilation system works and the role it plays on allergens. In a house, the typical ventilation system circulates harmful particles around. This leads to an even coat of harmful particles that are penetrated when the system is in cooling (or heating) mode. All this blowing of allergens causes a variety of symptom to home dwellers with allergies.

In addition, many of these allergens tend to hide within carpets and other fabrics and removing them is vitally important. This is because carpet has material that is both soft and the fibers within carpet and the depth of the carpet make it the ideal resting spot for allergens such as dust and plant matter to gather. In addition, as humans, we shed skin that forms dust and such dust falls to the carpet as well. So, as you might guess, we also track in a great number of other allergens from the environment this means that carpet is teaming with such allergens ready to set off allergy symptoms. The ventilation system will further flow these allergens around. Therefore, if you don't clean your carpet you have an even coating of allergens throughout the carpeted areas.

Now that we understand this, we now explain why vacuuming doesn't work. Second, some people believe that vacuuming will be sufficient to get out such allergens but this couldn't be further from the truth. Vacuums tend to be efficient at removing the large pieces of debris from carpets but they are incredibly poor at removing the minute particles that make up the majority of allergens. In fact, they actually can make things worse by further spreading out the allergens and the allergens that get stuck to your vacuums cleaning surface can actually be moved to another room by your vacuum thus ensuring your whole home is an allergen zone.

So, if vacuuming does work so well for removing these allergens, what does work? Well, a solution does exist to this problem and it is called carpet cleaning. Not only does carpet cleaning manage to get stains out of your carpet but it also does an effective job at removing allergens. Wetting down the carpet and using detergent actually trap the allergens down via the first step of carpet cleaning. The subsequent step will easily sop up the allergens, as they will adhere to the soapsuds as good carpet cleaning soap has properties that attract the allergens to bond with the soap molecules. This will allow you to effectively remove most of the allergens from your home.

In conclusion, dust particles are harmful to everyone and so most people should clean their carpets thoroughly but if you suffer from allergies this is absolutely paramount to better health. By doing so, you can return your home to the sanctuary it should be instead of the allergen causing zone that makes your allergies worse.